[電腦] Live Village

Live Village 現在有了 Beta 版本. Live Village 有點像 Lost in Seattle 的硬碟版. 不需要上網就可以查到西雅圖市區內的大大小小店的營業時間和資訊. 亦可隨時上網下載最新資訊. 利用地圖顯示的方式, 可以立即的找到想要去的店(如果有資訊)的營業時間, 資料和連結網站. 預設值是一樓, 如果想找的店家是在其他樓層, 必須要從選單上更改樓層. 比找電話簿方便多了… Side Note: Area’s home prices idling as buyers take more time Home buying ‘frenzy’ may be leveling off “Buyer’s market” for job hunters as state unemployment rate dips Dropping out, falling behind China, India schools outperform U.S., Europe Location, race and income affect life spans in U.S. Location affects your lifespan, study finds Failure rates of minorities on WASL “painful” Medical Side Note: Experts see slow obesity fight for kids Older painkiller, naproxen, found to be safest, inexpensive Baby’s death raises mom’s suicide risk Medicare premiums for richest to go up 83% in ’07 Limiting air travel could help in case of pandemic CDC says black-white gap has disappeared Vitamin D cuts risk of pancreatic cancer E. coli outbreak spreads to ninth state Rare breast cancer can look like bug bite
