This is just taken from my Histrocial Account LegionOfHistory, so pardon me for the transition.
The 2nd Light Division was founded on 10th of November 1938 in Thuringia Germany. It had about 85 tank (43 Panzer Ones, and 42 Panzer Twos) and would serve in the invasion of Poland. So let us talk about Light Division because you guys for some weird reason picked a unit with not a lot of history. How effective were these units? Well they were smaller than a standard Panzer Division, had less firepower due to that, and many other factors that really didn’t make them good, in fact I would say it would have be simpler if they just merged some of these units or just used regiments until the Germans could form them into Panzer units since they did that after the invasion of Poland might as well just start early. So they broke open Polish lines on the 1st September 1939, and just rolled over the Poland’s defences. Afterwards they would take part in the Battle of the Bzura. This battle would result in the shattering of the Polish army. Days later the 2nd Light Division would reach Warsaw and be recalled back to Germany for preparation for the invasion of France. Although in the middle of it on the 18th of October 1939 the unit would finally be disbanded. Seriously Light Divisions were not the best idea Germany had if you ask me. Those just won’t as effective as Panzer Divisions. So after being disbanded the 2nd Light Divisions would be reformed into the 7th Panzer Division. For anyone who was confused by this here is the reason why. Next time we will be talking about the 7th Panzer Division “Ghost Division.” Oh will this one be long and glorious. So for real, let us talk about the 7th Panzer Division. For total tanks before the invasion of France 7th Panzer has a total of 34 Panzer 1s, 68 Panzer 2s, 24 Panzer 4s, and 91 Panzer 38(t)s. After being reformed they would be assigned 2nd Army Corps but for the invasion of the west they would be transferred over to 15th Panzer Corps under General Hermann Hoth and they even got a new leader. So I guess we shall also talk about Erwin Rommel. Well, I guess the thought of this was: “Let us put an infantryman in charge of tanks! What could possibly go wrong?” From what we can see now is that this was the right choice for the unit. Rommel proved himself a worthy commander and the person for the job. He would study tanks and the way of war that goes with Panzers. Erwin Rommel will also train his men to work as a team, and fight together as brothers. Along with that he would also find that he would be followed by a team that works with propaganda, turns out that the 7th Panzer Division will be getting a lot of media attention. For the next couple months the division would be given training in all types of conditions, in the rain, in the snow, and in the night to just name a few. Some of this training would prove critical for the invasion to come. The ideas and that tactics that would be the centerpiece of all of this will be of course “lighting warfare” (Which was never really a thing it was something that came up later on, at the end of the day it was just based off the old tactics used beforehand) using combined arms and speed they will hopefully crush the British and French. Although during this whole time now one really planned for if this would actually work at all. If anything German high command expected to see a repeat of the Great War. Did that happen? Of course not! Well then next time we will be going through the invasion the part of the 7th Panzer Divisions story in France and Lowlands.