Arlington: 18204 59th Dr. NE, Arlington, WA Bothell: 9815 NE 188th Street, Bothell, WA Edmonds: 6th Ave. N. & Bell St., Edmonds, WA (Civic Center Playfield) Edmonds: 73rd Ave. & Olympic View Dr., Edmonds, WA (Lynndale Skate Park) Everett: 1226 W. Casino Road, Everett, WA (Walter E. Hall Park) Marysville: 1050 Columbia Ave., Marysville, WA Mill Creek: 15728 Main St., Mill Creek, WA Monroe: Fryland BLVD, Monroe, WA Mukilteo YMCA: 10601 47th Pl. W., Mukilteo, WA Snohomish: 116 Union Ave., Snohomish, WA 資訊摘自 Community Transit 的小冊子. Side Note: WASL results mixed in Seattle, statewide State among best in home profits Good test scores can sway home buyers Medical Side Note: That buttery aroma might be toxic, too: 一般微波爐爆米花含有雙乙醯 (Diacetyl), 讓爆米花的味道有著奶油的氣味. 只是雙乙醯似乎會造成呼吸器官的疾病. Ovary removal at young age could raise dementia risk