在差不多九個月之後, 根據西雅圖當地的韓文週報報導, H-mart Lynnwood 將於 12 月 4 日開張… Lynnwood H-mart 剛好就在 Alderwood Mall 的斜對面. 3301 184th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA
檢視較大的地圖 從西雅圖則需要先搭公車到 Lynnwood Transit Center (Sound Transit #511, Community Transit #401/#402 或華大的 Community Transit #810 或 Community Transit #855/#885). 從 Lynnwood Transit Center 再轉乘每十五分鐘一班的 Community Transit #114/#116, Community Transit #115 或 Community Transit #118. (注意: Community Transit #114/#115/#116/#118 亦經過 Ash Way Park & Ride. 從那裡是 Sound Transit #511 的起站) 這路線比從華大到 Edmonds 大華要方便些. Side Note: As costs rise, some doctors may stop giving shots More high-school students admit they lie, cheat and steal No Parking Anytime: Condos being put up for bids at about half price Group finds fewer toys with high lead levels Two-year colleges chasing more bachelor’s degrees: 越來越多兩年制學院提供四年制大學學位 Shopping in stores or online: Protect your ID