百日咳 Seattle Children’s Hospital

七月份是 Swedish Medical Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital 也在 9/3/2004 發現三位醫療人員帶有百日咳的病毒. 如果你在八月九日後有去過 Seattle Children’s Hospital 的加護中心(intensive care unit), 請和各自的家庭醫師聯絡, 確定是否有遭到感染. 百日咳對嬰兒的殺傷力是最大的. 華盛頓州有全美最高的百日咳感染和最低的嬰兒百日咳疫苗接種率. 因此聯邦政府可能在今年年底開始在華盛頓州推動兒童和成人的百日咳疫苗接種. Seattle Times Seattle PI

真是的, Acer 的北美網站…

花了我近四個小時才解決掉我這個多語言的機器. 實際上如果我找對地方, 只需要不用五分鐘的時間. 幾天前, 我使用的多語言的機器 Acer Aspire 6400 的硬碟終於壽終正寢. 於是我買了個 Maxtor 80GB DiamondMax Plus9 ATA133 IDE 的硬碟. 結果這台只有 P-III 677-Mhz 的舊機器竟然找不到這個新硬碟. 當然第一步就是上 Acer 的網站找升級的系統 BIOS. 結果 Acer 的英文網站並沒有任何 BIOS 的升級資訊, 結果只好用 Maxtor 提供的其他方式. 不過一直都沒有成功. 最後不死心再上網找找. 意外的在 Acer 的新加坡網站找到了升級的 BIOS, 下載, 安裝, 重新開啟電腦. 系統立刻就找到了. 最後的工作就是把我的日文, 韓文, 繁簡體中文的 Windows 2000 重新裝回去了… 真是的, Acer 的北美網站…


Eggs … and $65 parking fine PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK How can parking in a private lot be illegal? Businesses generally “invite” customers to park in their lots just by having them, because any reasonable person could presume that the business wants customers to park, come in and spend money. But businesses can limit this invitation and often do so, with signs that read, “For dining room customers only” or “No parking for …” the business next door. There is no law stopping private property owners from charging people for trespassing and privately collecting on that charge. Property owners can get an exemption from state and federal privacy laws that will allow them to find vehicle owners through their license plate information. Consumers, however, are protected by Washington’s Consumer Protection Act, which prohibits unfair and deceptive business practices, a claim that can be made in a civil court.