FSF-1 Sea Fighter

[img=images/image_20050524_fsf1.jpg popup=false] 昨天運氣不錯, 第一次看見 FSF-1 Sea Fighter 在海面上航行. 旁邊也圍有不少好奇的私人小艇. 昨天也看見一個人剛從水面走上沙灘, 心裡暗地佩服這位仁兄. 儘管天氣不錯, 海水還是滿冷的, 他卻不畏寒冷在游泳. 等一下… 仔細一看, 哇!!! 他竟然是在裸泳. 火車的速度太快了, 只看到他白白的屁股. 根本沒有機會打開照相機… :-p 位置約在 Richmond Beach 和 Woodway 之間. 我想我是過於大驚小怪了…

[新聞] 問題汽油…

如果你是使用 76 油站(其他一些向 ConocoPhillips 購油的自營油站)的油, 也許你加到有問題的汽油. Tainted gasoline causes rush for repairs Bad gasoline alert expanded to King County Problem: Cars with fuel injectors fouled by tainted ConocoPhillips gasoline may hesitate, stall, ride roughly or backfire. Solution: Contact a dealership or repair shop authorized by ConocoPhillips to make the repairs. For a list of authorized shops, go to www.conocophillips.com. If you need help, call ConocoPhillips customer service at 1-800-527-5476. The company will pay for the costs if a mechanic concludes the damage stems from bad gasoline. Receipts or other proof of purchase for the gas aren’t required. Sources: ConocoPhillips, AAA Washington