[旅遊]這個週末便宜的渡船直達 Port Townsend

連接 Puget Sound 和奧林匹克半島的 Hood Canal Bridge 關閉維修中, 這個週末有暫時的旅客渡船(票價包含 Port Townsend 的 Jefferson Transit 週末公車票價)連接西雅圖市中心第五十五號碼頭(是在 Argosy Cruises 渡口上船, 不是華盛頓州的渡船場)和 Port Townsend. 如果有興趣想要到 Port Townsend 看看維多利亞式建築的市中心或愛在冰雪紛飛時 (Snow Falling on Cedars) 的電影場景, 甚至利用從 Port Townsend 出發到奧林匹克國家公園的旅遊服務. 不要錯過這個方便的機會, 因為渡船票價只要 $15 來回. Port Townsend 有 Hostel. [img=images/image_porttownsend.gif popup=false] 照片出處: Yahoo Maps 如有興趣動作要快, 因為票賣得滿快的…

[翻譯]暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友 Victim Support Service

欠了人家四個月的翻譯(翻譯成中文)終於寫好了… 如果發現那裡中文寫得亂七八糟的, 就請出來罵一罵吧! 謝謝!

Twenty-eight years ago、families with heart-breaking experiences of unsolved disappearances and murders of young women met in a church auditorium。 They needed help。 They needed answers。
At first they discussed and shared their journeys of grief and loss – then they got organized。
剛開始、他們只是討論和分享他們感傷和悲痛的經驗 – 不久他們便組織了起來。
They formed peer support groups to help one another in their grief。 They petitioned。 They monitored courtroom proceedings。 They testified before legislative hearings。 They approached the Department of Corrections、prosecutors offices and law enforcement agencies to form coalitions to aid in their mission – read help for victims of violent crime。
他們組織支持團體來幫助其他人的哀情。他們請願。他們監督法庭議程。他們在立法機構作證。他們連繫監獄部們、檢察官辦公室和警政機構組織一個救助團體 – 幫助暴力犯罪的受害者。
They formed an organization that responded to the urgent and tragically often forgotten needs of victims of violent crime and the loved ones of missing persons and named it for what it was – FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF VIOLENT CRIME VICTIMS。
他們成立一個組織、幫助那些經常被遺忘的悲劇性暴力犯罪、和失蹤親人的受害者們的需要。就此他們把這組織命名為” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友” (FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF VIOLENT CRIME VICTIMS)。
Where are we now、and how can we help you?

Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims is one of the oldest victim advocacy and support groups in the nation。 We offer services to crime victims、their loved ones and the public throughout Washington state、24 hours a day、at no charge。
Our services are geared to assist the journey that crime victims and their loved ones face、a journey that is not only challenging but takes a lifetime。 The direct services provided by Families & Friends has helped thousands of Clients reconstruct their lives with positive outcomes。
我們準備幫助犯罪受害者和他們的家屬面對未來人生旅程的挑戰。” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”直接的服務、幫助上千人正面的重建他們的人生。

PEER SUPPORT peer support groups provide comfort、understanding、compassion、and coping skills。
支持團體 支持團體提供安慰、理解、同情和提供如何面對的方式。

VICTIMES’ ADVOCATE The criminal justice system is complicated and impersonal and victims are often left feeling as though they have no rights。 Families & Friends is actively working to change that – to provide a strong advocacy force in the continual fight for victims’ right in our state。
受害者的保護 犯罪司法系統是複雜和非人性化的。受害者常常感到被遺棄和沒有權力。” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”一直努力的去改變它 – 在州內持續的爭取受害者的權力、提供有力的保護團體

SYSTEM INTERVENTION Our knowledge of and working relationship with the criminal justice system and its agencies is invaluable to those encountering the system for the first time。 We assist families in their dealings with law enforcement、prosecution and other agencies when problems arise。
從法律上的預防 我們對刑事審判的知識、和刑事審判系統的關係、對那些第一次遇到這些狀況的人們是一種無價的援助。 當出現問題時、我們幫助那些需要的家庭面對這些警察、檢查機關等其他機構。

COURTROOM SUPPORT We familiarize victims and survivors with terminology and procedures that will be used during the trial。 Families & Friends volunteers (when available)、will help provide transportation to court、shield the victim from curiosity seekers and the news media and avoid confrontation with the offender。
法庭裡的幫助 我們了解受害者和幸存者在法庭裡可以使用的法規和程序。” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”的義工(當有志願者時)會提供到法院的交通工具、保護受害者免於好奇的社會大眾和新聞媒體的干擾、和避免與罪犯的面對面。

NETWORKING AND REFERRALS We actively work with national organizations like the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)、and the National Center for Victims of Crime、organizations which provide further resources for assisting local crime victims and families of missing persons。
相互連絡和介紹 我們經常和全美受害者保護協會 (NOVA)、全美犯罪受害者中心 (National Center for Victims of Crime)、等全國性的組織合作。提供當地的犯罪受害者、和失蹤人口家庭更深入的幫助。

EDUCATION Families & Friends is active in educational programs about victims’ important role in the criminal justice system。
教育 ” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”不時的教育社會大眾關於受害者在犯罪司法系統裡是重要的一環。

我們的目標 The mission of Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims is to support and advocate for victims of violent crime、adult missing persons、and their loved ones、and to provide education about victims’ right and services。

It would be nice to picture a future without violence or victimization and grief、but violent crime is a growing societal problem which eventually touches everyone。 Families & Friends has already has a beneficial impact on victims’ rights and community awareness。 YOUR support is vital to increasing fairness for victims and public safety。
想像一個沒有因暴力而產生的受害者和感傷的未來、但是越來越多的暴力犯罪是一個最後會影響每個人的社會問題。” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”對受害者的權力和喚醒社會大眾的注意力已經有正面的影響。您有力的協助是增加受害者的權力和社會大眾的安全的保障。

How can you help? • Volunteer • Donate
您如何幫助? • 義工 • 捐獻

Contact us: website: https://victimsupportservices.org or P。O。Box 1949、Everett、WA 98206-1949 Phone: 425-355-6822/1-800-346-7555
連絡我們: 網站: https://victimsupportservices.org 或P。O。Box 1949、Everett、WA 98206-1949 電話: 425-355-6822/1-800-346-7555

Families & Friends is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization。 Federal ID# 91-0993005
”暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”是501 (c)(3) 非營利組織。 聯邦 ID# 91-0993005

“When there were no other resources、Families and Friends’ support was vital。 The members could relate to our experiences and became advocates when others couldn’t understand。” Gwen Kuntz
當沒有其他資源、” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”的幫助是至關重要的。 當其他人無法了解時、幫助的義工和我們相關的經驗、進而變得倡導者。

“Families and Friends became an extension of our family early on and helped us all understand that although the pain was tearing us apart、we had friends that understood the kind of pain we were experiencing。 You all helped us in our time of need。” David Jensen
”暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”成為我們家庭的一部份、儘管痛苦撕裂了我們、卻讓我們知道、有著一群和我們有同樣經驗的人們了解我們的痛苦。 你們在我們最需要的時候幫助我們。”

“As we stood feeling helpless、frightened and numb with grief、“Families & Friends” put their collective arm around us。 The value of their guidance、protection、and understanding、through the entire 12 year judicial process、can never be measured。” Hilda Ahlers & Lorene Iverson (daughter)
當我們無助的、驚恐的、和麻木悲痛著站在那裡時、” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”適時伸出援手。整整十二年來的司法審判、他們提供的咨詢、保護和了解是無法衡量的。

Hilda Ahlers 和 Lorene Iverson (女兒) “Legislative efforts like the Crime Victims Compensation Fund、the Victim Witness Notification Program and the Community Protection Act owe much of their success to the work of Families & Friends。” Norm Maleng King County Prosecuting Attorney
經由立法的努力、比如犯罪受害者補償基金、受害證人通知計畫和社區保護法等法案的成功、都歸功於” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”的工作。 Norm Maleng 金恩郡檢察官律師

“Families & Friends have been an invaluable aid to not only myself、but many attorneys here at the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office。 More importantly、much more importantly、they have been of tremendous service to scores of victimized and traumatized families。 Families & Friends have been one ray of hope、one lifeline for people gripped by the devastation of violent and sexually violent crime。” Mark Roe Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Snohomish County ”
暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”是我自己和史挪合米許郡 (Snohomish County) 檢察官辦公室裡很多律師們無價的援助。更重要的、非常重要的、他們是心理瘡傷和受害家庭極大的幫助。” 暴力犯罪受害者的家庭和朋友”是受到暴力虐待和暴力性侵害人們的救生索和一線希望、 Mark Roe 首席犯罪代理檢察官律師 Snohomish County