
為了開始 Sound Transit 在西雅圖市中心輕鐵的工程, 九月二十四日起公車路線將會大變動. Bus Tunnel (公車隧道) 將關閉, 所有目前在公車隧道內行駛的公車將轉到地面. Metro TransitSound Transit 在西雅圖市中心的公車站點將有大更動. 位於 Westlake Center 的 Metro Transit 旅客服務中心也將移至 Rainier Square (1333 5th Ave Seattle, WA 98101). 公車族應該要注意一下你的搭公車地點是否有更動.


Transit services adding Wi-Fi to buses Laptops turn on, tune in to Metro’s new Wi-Fi Metro Transit News: Metro bus riders test county’s first rolling WiFi hotspot Community Transit News: Community Transit now has WI-FI! Metro Transit 這只是一個五個月的測試計畫, 而且只有兩條公車路線, Metro #48Metro #197. Community Transit 則只提供 #422 可以上網. Sound Transit 則是計畫在今年秋季讓 Sound Transit #545 可以上網. 只是這些網路是利用沿線的無線手機的通路, 因此不建議做大檔案的傳輸. Sounder 應該是早就要有 Wifi, 可是到現在一點動靜也沒有? Side Note: Car-seat standards for kids tightened # Children up to 13 years old must ride in the back seat where it is practical to do so. # Children up to 8 years old, unless they are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall, must ride in a booster seat or other approved restraint system. # The restraint system must be used according to the car seat and automaker’s instructions. # Vehicles equipped with lap-only seat belts are exempt from the requirement. # In Washington, all vehicle passengers are required to wear seat belts. Anyone wearing a lap and shoulder seat belt must wear it correctly and not place the shoulder belt under the arm or behind the back. Medical Side Note: Research shows secondhand-smoke exposure can harm a fetus


第一次在連續的三天假期裡, 連門都沒有出過. 原本還想爬山或是至少買些生鮮蔬果的必需品, 看到超過一加侖三美元的油價就不想出門了. 還是蹲在家裡就好了… :-p