Events for Capitol Hill Shooting tomorrow

Service of Hope – an opportunity for prayer, reflection and remembrance at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday at 2112 E. Republican St., Seattle. Community Meeting – a community information meeting to discuss the events from Saturday. To be held at the Miller Community Center, 330 19th Ave E, Seattle, 98112 – phone 206-684-4753 at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Medical Side Note: Economic good times can be hard on the heart Age, loneliness linked to blood pressure


台北和西雅圖間的班機(沒有再延伸至紐約紐渥克 Newark).

華航於四月二十五日起也將增加台北和西雅圖間的班機. 增加後, 每週的五班台北和西雅圖間的班機, 有其中三班繼續延伸至德州的休士頓 Houston. 另外兩班則只到西雅圖, 之後便折返台北.

“此外,為了因應西雅圖客運市場需求暢旺,華航自4月26日起增飛CI022/021台北-西雅圖往返航線每週兩班,使用A340-300型客機,去程 CI022班次每週一、三23:00自中正機場起飛,當天19:10抵達西雅圖。回程CI021班次每週二、四01:20自西雅圖起飛,次日05:30飛抵中正機場。屆時華航往返西雅圖客運航班,增為每週5班,其中3班延伸至休士頓。”

Side Note:
Sales of new homes, prices fall
New home sales plunged 10 percent last month
Monorail board keeps car-tab rate; some motorists will pay more tax
Monorail tax is derailed

自九月份起, Monorail 的汽車牌照稅將被取消. 九月份後住在 City of Seattle 居民的汽車牌照稅將會下降.

Medical Side Note:
Looks like we've all inherited the messy gene
TB strain resistant to many drugs emerges
Bird flu would be hard to spread human to human
Mother's depression may trigger similar illness in child
Heartburn can increase risk of cancer


$5 fee at state parks is gone 大西雅圖地區有不少的州立公園, 儘管四月九日才是正式的日期, 但是州立公園似乎沒有再收白天的使用費了. 以前只要是進州立公園的 day use 就要付 $5. 住 Lake Washington 東北方的人, 就可以就近享受 Saint Edward 和 Bridle Trails. 夏季 Issaquah 和 Sammamish 的居民, 可以就近到 Lake Sammamish 游泳消暑. 去 Olallie 的 Twin 瀑布, Wallace Falls 的 Wallace 瀑布也不用再付錢. 健行散步又多了不少的選擇.