住的地方已經下了一整天的雪, 只是天暖並沒有堆積的情形. [img=images/image_20070301_snow.jpg popup=false] 不過西雅圖市中心卻是個晴天. 還可以看到 Mt. Rainier 的山腳下. 什麼天氣嗎? 二月還會下雪? Side Note: Housing prices still rising, but not as quickly Consumer Smarts: Cost of quake insurance may rattle you Medical Side Note: Study: For kids, ibuprofen best at killing pain
HI-Seattle 要關門了
Downtown hostel to close next month 位於 Pike Place Market 旁, 非常受背包客歡迎的低價 Hostelling International, 由於租約的談不攏, 將於 2007 年 3 月 18 日關門. 這留下另一個市中心的低價 Green Tortoise Hostel. HI-Seattle 希望能夠在接近市中心的其他地方找到新地點. Side Note: State sends a message, smoker gets $8,000 bill: 州政府是玩真的上網或跨州買煙逃稅. 真的是會被強迫扣薪水繳稅. Another child dies showing signs of flu Seafood good for pregnant women, study says Housing sales decline in 40 states; but not in Northwest Rainier, third most dangerous U.S. volcano, USGS says Experts don’t bite on ice cream fertility claim Cheesemaking boosts dwinding dairies Medical Side Note: Lying to doctor can mean health risks 1 in 4 women have virus linked to cancer Vitamin pills won’t prolong life, studies rule
上個週末有去問問 Clearwire. 後來發現他們把所有的網路電話給擋了下來…因為他們計畫出他們自己的網路電話服務. 可是我目前是用 Vonage, 所以當然就無法使用 Clearwire 了. Side Note: Study: U.S. hard place to be a kid Peanut butter recalled over salmonella: 花生醬含有沙門桿菌. Peter Pan 和 Great Value 這兩個牌子. 產品序號開始於 2111. It’s not too late to get your flu shot More children being exposed to online porn A Kirkland cafe with no prices Youth suicide rate up after years of decline Seattle crime in 2006: serious crime decreases while gun violence up Median home price plummets by $40,000 Wireless networks giving bad guys an edge Medical Side Note: FDA approves new breast cancer test Some birth control may raise clot risk U.S. autism rate higher than estimated Study: Napping might help heart Four-year study links loneliness, dementia