Cost of tree cleanup falls on homeowners

# Homeowners insurance typically covers damage to your home from wind and falling trees, removal of trees that have fallen on buildings and ruined personal property inside a damaged building. But it typically won't cover removal of trees that have fallen in your yard without damaging a building.

# Hire a tree service company that is licensed, bonded, insured and employs ISA-certified arborists. Find an arborist at the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture at pnwisa.org or through Plant Amnesty at 206-783-9813 or plantamnesty.org

# Beware of people who knock at your door offering to help you.

# Don't top trees. Topping trees can result in poor tree health.

# In King County, stumps, tree limbs and brush can be recycled at one of a number of commercial recycling processors. See metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd. Recycling may be less expensive than disposal.

# For advice on dealing with post-storm tree issues go to seattle.gov/transportation/afterthestorm.htm or king.wsu.edu/forestry/windstorm.html

Side Note:
President signs bill extending sales-tax deduction
Homeschool-public school bonds growing
Domestic abuse-suicide link strong
Pandemic would hit poor the hardest, new flu study says

Medical Side Note:
Scan may identify people at risk for Alzheimer's
Gut bacteria may be tied to weight gain, report says
Better test for classifying breast cancers may save lives


Public Health 提供關於一氧化碳中毒的中文資訊.

Side Note:
Study: Premarital sex normal for most

Medical Side Note:
FDA steps up warnings on popular pain relievers
* Acetaminophen: Sold under the brand name Tylenol, in generic form and in many combination medicines sold to treat multiple symptoms, including pain, headache and fever. Overdoses can cause serious liver damage, even death.
* Aspirin: Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney injury.
* Ibuprofen: Sold under the brand names Advil and Motrin and in generic form. Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney injury.
* Naproxen, sold as Aleve, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney injury.
Vitamin D may cut MS risk


今天晚上有上課. 到了上課的地方, 竟然發現學校因 “Partial Power Outage” 而關閉. 這堂課真的不是幸運的課. 有一堂課因上個月的雪而沒有上課. 上星期四突然的暴雨, 只有一半的人到教室. 今天又因 “Partial Power Outage” 停課. 真不知該如何的補課? 有電就有電, 沒有電就沒有電. 什麼叫 “Partial Power Outage”?