
當老婆前天(星期五)晚駕車回家, 從大街上轉入我們居住的巷子時, 看到一輛車的就停在巷子內不遠處. 只見一位女子坐在車內, 一位男子則正站在車旁, 面對著巷子內的樹林. 這男子也不害羞, 見到老婆的車子趕忙轉身並拉上褲子的拉鏈…隨地小便???…並隨手打招呼. 原來他是要問一所教會的位置. 聽了老婆的敘述, 讓我想起兩三個星期前在市中心見的另一幕. 這是發生在早上的通勤公車. 當我搭程的公車停在 9th & Steward, 準備讓乘客下車. 車門一打開, 只見一個男子正巧在門外的人行道旁, 距我們約十英呎, 那棟年初新建好的建築物後的巷子內小便. 很不幸的那時公車正在等紅綠燈, 所以司機並不急著關門… 事實上, 公車司機並不知道後門外發生的這一切. 所有我們這些後面的乘客, 清清楚楚的, 就靜靜的看著這位仁兄, 扶著他的小朋友小便結束, 抖了抖, 整理下他的褲子. 拉上褲子的拉鏈後離去… 先生, Greyhound 西雅圖市中心站就在你的斜對面, 難道你忍不到那裡嗎? Side Note: Retirement may hold surprises for women who outlive spouse Don’t let mortgage insurance surprise you at closing table Reading credit card terms is no simple task


今天公司送了 100 張 (一個人兩張) The Rolling Stones 給員工. 抽中機會應該是滿大的. 大約有 30%. 我號碼最後兩位數是 95. 結果 94, 96, 97 和 98 都抽中了, 就是沒有 95. 沒有去看 The Rolling Stones 的命… Side Note: DOT launches traffic aids for cellphones, PDAs Less math confidence equals more math competence Scientists see video games in education “Personality of a car” an indicator of road rage Life-or-death question, but debate was hidden for years More Seattle schools likely to face closure, board president says Medical Side Note: Report says benefits of fish outweigh risks New, costly type 2 diabetes pill arrives Study tallies drug reactions Turns out it was better to inhale pot Steroids show no benefit for seniors, research claims Study finds risks, benefits in Ritalin for preschoolers


好久沒有去拿報紙了, 都不知道 Daiso 已經在大西雅圖地區有三間了. Alderwood Mall 30001 18th Street SW #398 Lynnwood, WA 98037 Commons Mall (舊名 Sea-Tac Mall) 2031 S. Commons #D12 Federal Way, WA 98003 South Hill Mall 3500 S. Meridian #215 Puyallup, WA 98373 Side Note: Parents want more family-friendly downtown living FDA set to allow cloned meat and milk Seattle’s graduation rate dips as state’s rate rises Almost a century later, a vaccine against “Spanish flu” Medical Side Note: West Nile virus found in King County