Region Free DVD 播放器

幾年前, 為了買個 Multi-Region DVD 播放器, 必須花上百元, 如今這兩三年間, 這些 Region Free DVD 播放器可以很容易的在像 Wal-Mart, K-Mart 或 Best Buy 等地方買到. 而且這些 DVD 播放器絕大多數是沒有名聲的廠商. 這些默默無聞廠商們的 DVD 播放器也都非常的便宜. 一般約 $40 以下就可以買到. 比起以前動不動就要上百元實在是便宜太多了. 購買 Region Free DVD 播放器, 就可以觀看從世界各地的 DVD. 找 Region Free DVD 播放器, 只需要注意, 1. 盒子上沒有註明是給 Region 1 [img=images/dvd_region1.gif popup=false] 播放的標誌 2. 註明可以播放 NTSC 和 PAL 的 DVD 3. 影像輸出可以支援 NTSC 和 PAL 的電視系統 4. 當然這 DVD 播放器也必須可以播放 DVD, DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, VCD 等等格式才行 Side Note: Report finds kids abusing medicine Holiday foods will take time to burn Major cities see a rise in murder rates Medical Side Note: Study says heartburn drugs can raise risk of hip fracture


Bellevue Community College 的 Continue Education 因暴風已經關了一星期了. 應該是明年才有重新開課了. 真不知道該如何補課. Eastside 真的是很嚴重. 看 MITBBS, 川霸王那一區到現在都還沒有電呢!


Cost of tree cleanup falls on homeowners

# Homeowners insurance typically covers damage to your home from wind and falling trees, removal of trees that have fallen on buildings and ruined personal property inside a damaged building. But it typically won't cover removal of trees that have fallen in your yard without damaging a building.

# Hire a tree service company that is licensed, bonded, insured and employs ISA-certified arborists. Find an arborist at the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture at or through Plant Amnesty at 206-783-9813 or

# Beware of people who knock at your door offering to help you.

# Don't top trees. Topping trees can result in poor tree health.

# In King County, stumps, tree limbs and brush can be recycled at one of a number of commercial recycling processors. See Recycling may be less expensive than disposal.

# For advice on dealing with post-storm tree issues go to or

Side Note:
President signs bill extending sales-tax deduction
Homeschool-public school bonds growing
Domestic abuse-suicide link strong
Pandemic would hit poor the hardest, new flu study says

Medical Side Note:
Scan may identify people at risk for Alzheimer's
Gut bacteria may be tied to weight gain, report says
Better test for classifying breast cancers may save lives