
絕對不要問人家的小朋友幾歲. 不是禮貌的問題, 只是會讓你自己覺得老很快. 如果不想自己覺得老很快, 那就不要問人家的小朋友幾歲. 尤其是那些不常見面的, 更是不要問. It is for your own good. Side Note: Airlines’ service getting worse, report says Average Seattle worker can’t afford to live here Medical Side Note: FDA worries anesthesia risky for kids Scientists convert blood for universal use Study links weight gain in pregnancy to fat tots


第一次玩電腦玩到主機板壞掉, 實在是太沒有理由了? 也沒有玩到什麼東西? 不就是那些 Casual 和 Web Games. 為什麼會壞掉? 尤其是電腦組裝好沒有一年, 這麼”新”的電腦還可以玩到壞掉? 連 ABC 都還不太看得懂的小朋友, 竟然可以玩到主機板壞掉? 再壞掉一次就我不幫你修理了… 實在是太沒有理由了? Side Note: Study links child care to problem behavior Sales of new homes fall sharply Telephone scam reported What are ex-Californians good for? Blame New state quarter is off the press: 四月二日起就可以從銀行拿到華盛頓州的 Quarter. Post office unveils ‘forever’ stamp: 四月十二日起就可以買到 Forever Stamp, 可是郵局漲價是在五月十四日. PBDEs: They are everywhere, they accumulate and they spread Seattle housing prices up 11% from last year Hikers warned about winter damage Medical Side Note: indings may spur changes in heart treatment Aspirin may also benefit women Get annual breast MRI, experts tell many women Beef eating, male fertility studied

A Long Way Gone

Sierra Leone), 現居紐約作者寫下自己的親自經歷. 在國家的內戰下, 13 歲被迫成為一位殺人不眨眼的 Child Soldier. 又如何在偶然之下被聯合國的 UNUCEF 給救了出來. 到後來內戰到了首都 (Freetown), 再如何自己逃出獅子山到幾內亞.

A Long way Gone 這本書回答我很久以來就很好奇, 很多心理上的問題. 尤其是對一個人洗腦並不是件很難的事.

想要了解 Child Soldiers, 不是去看 Blood Diamond, 而是讀這本書.

Ishmael 將會在下列日期再次拜訪西雅圖簽名他的書.
4/2/2007 7:00 PM
4326 University Way NE
Seattle, WA

4/3/2007 7:30 PM
101 S. Main St.
Seattle, WA

Seattle Public Library 裡有差不多三百人排隊等著看這本書呢!!! 不過有聲書只有約 24 個人排隊. 機會也許較好些.

Side Note:
Bellevue violent crime up in '06, but overall, crime down 10 percent
Fewer teens say they use alcohol and pot
Moms' time with kids has grown since '60s, study says
King County growth booms: King (14th), Pirece (70th), Snohomish (87th).
Wi-Fi worry: Laptops at risk of attack