
去年十一月份的大洪水, 不止嚴重的破壞了 Mt. Rainier 和 Olympic Nat’l Parks, 也毀損了一些 Nat’l Forests 等地的道路和 Trails. 比如非常受家庭歡迎的 Big Four Ice Cave 上跨越 Stillaguamish River 的橋樑已經被沖斷. 今年登山健行出門前, 要記得上網確認 Trails 是否有開放. 不過大多的 Trails 似乎還是完整的, 只有一些 Trails 就是有些洪水過後的 debris, 走的時候要當心. Side Note: Tainted animal feed widespread in China Chinese businesses say melamine commonly added to animal feed Longer wait times for taxis could mean city needs more cabs

Alaska Quater…太狠了

Grizzly to represent Alaska on quarter
Alaska 昨天展示他們的 Quarter 設計.

[img=images/20070424_akquarter.png popup=false]
照片出處: The Anchorage Daily News

Grizzly bear 一口咬著鮭魚…華盛頓州的 Quarter 上有個跳躍鮭魚的設計. 不過還真的是很代表 Alaska.

Side Note:
Existing-home sales plunge most in two decades
U.S. house-price decline accelerates, but not here
China's food woes become ours: 要非常的小心從中國進口來的食品.
Ferries of Puget Sound

Medical Side Note:
Abortion, breast cancer aren't linked, study finds
Breast feeding won't halt obesity, report says