明天 (6/2) National Trails Day. Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest 將不收 $5 的入園費. 可以利用明天選個 Trail 登山健行. 不過出發前還是要確認 Trails 的狀況, 免得敗興而歸或發生危險. Side Note: State’s child car-seat law tightens: 兒童安全座椅的新法律今天開始生效. How far will your money go in Canada?: $1 Canadian Dollars = $0.94 US Dollars. Lowest in 30 years. Doctors say roller shoes injuring kids Speeding tickets to rise to $124 To stay on top, Google has to improve search results Violent crimes rose in area last year
Pike Place Market 100 歲了…
這個週末 Pike Place Market 將會有 Street Fair 和 Pike Place Market Centennial Celebration 等慶祝活動. 珍妮曾在西雅圖的 Blog 上有不少有趣的介紹哦!!! Side Note: UW-Tacoma will admit all qualified students from state community colleges: 只要是從州立社區大學來的轉學生, GPA 有 2.75. 今年華大-Tacoma 一律全收. Wal-Mart cashier: I was fired for joking: 小心在網上寫的任何東西. 這種新聞常常在報紙上看到. Red-light cameras can yield $112 tickets: Snohomish County 開始在四個地點使用闖紅燈照相機. [img=images/image_lynnwood_red-light-traffic.jpg popup=false] # 196th Street SW and Highway 99 # 196th Street SW and 36th Avenue W. # Alderwood Mall Boulevard at 200th Street SW and 44th Avenue W. # 176th Street SW and Highway 99 Seattle 的 Red-light Cameras 的地點 Medical Side Note: Surgery found better for lower back trouble
Where car thieves love to tread [img=images/images_seattlepi_20070530.gif popup=false] 照片出處: Seattle PI