I-5 介於 I-90 和 Spokane Street 段開始施工.

I-5 – Spokane Street to I-90 Bridge Repair I-5 介於 I-90 和 Spokane Street 段(西雅圖市中心以南)從今天開始施工保養. 從七月二十三至八月九日間將集中於晚上和凌晨時段. 從八月十日和八月二十九日間將全天後的施工保養, 並會關閉二至三線的高速公路, 造成嚴重的交通阻塞. Good luck!!! Side Note: Monday is the beginning of gratuity reality: 新的法律要商家(比如汽車保養或修復廠, 餐館, 旅館等)如果有額外增收服務費 (Service Charge), 必須要明確的在帳單上顯示這服務費有多少錢是歸員工所有. Is your sunblock really saving your skin? For a child left in a car, even a mild day can be fatal A clean house could be a health hazard Clostridium botulinum (肉毒桿菌): 罐頭食品回收. Castleberry’s 的 Chili 罐頭食品因受肉毒桿菌的污染而回收中. 這公司產品有很多其他的名稱, 如果家裡有 Chili 罐頭最好查一下. Medical Side Note: Support groups don’t extend cancer survival, study says Drinking sodas might affect health, report says Infant mortality up slightly in state

七月二十二日起, 超速罰單調整

* Drive 6 to 10 mph over, $124 * Drive 11 to 15 mph over, $154 * Drive 16 to 20 mph over, $195 * Drive 21 to 25 mph over, $247 * Drive 26 to 30 mph over, $298 * Drive more than 31 mph over the speed limit, expect criminal charges. Speed need will come at higher price Side Note: 10 new laws worth noting: 八月一日起生效的一些新法律. Get ready for the I-5 blues: 八月十日至八月二十九日, 北行 I-5 從 S. Spokane Way 到 I-90 間將會進行全天施工. Alternative routes during I-5 closure