華盛頓州的 Children’s Health Insurance Program 是專門免費提供給家庭年收入低於 $34,340 的兒童. 或家庭年收入低於 $42,925 的兒童(月費 $15, 至多 $45). 這標準將於 2009 年提高至三倍的聯邦最低收入. 如果您合格, 又覺得公司提供給小朋友的保險太貴, 也許這是另一個選擇. Washignton Department of Social and Health Services: 有中文的申請表格. Side Note: Families held hostage by health-care costs Retiring outside America: For many, it’s a dream come true Study seeks DNA clues on homosexuality Medical Side Note: U.S. ranks 41st in maternal mortality
長榮終於要換 777 了.
長榮航空往返台北<->西雅圖<->紐約間的飛機將改用 Boeing 777-300ER 型.
Side Note:
Proving your home is not worth that much
New shaky ground in Seattle
Medical Side Note:
Study: Women just as likely to get abortions when it's illegal
Infant cold medicines pulled off market
That appendix might be useful to you after all
The Eating Factory 變成 Bluefin?
根據 MITBBS 上看到的資訊. Northgate Mall 新開了一家日式的壽司自助餐店. 老版是由原本在 Bellevue 的 The Eating Factory 轉過去開的. Northgate 的那間店是叫 Bluefin Sushi & Seafood Buffet. 看他的格調, 價錢可能和 Todai 不相上下… Side Note: Old-school blocks prove best for brains Medical Side Note: Panic and heart attacks linked Dutiful people have lower dementia risk