
Tread carefully during dark days: Winter sees more traffic accidents “In the past three years, 23 people have been killed by vehicles while walking in Seattle, according to the city. About 1,500 more people were hit by cars or trucks, often suffering devastating brain or back injuries that permanently changed their lives, and the lives of their families. November, December and January are the most dangerous months; on average 54 people a month are hit in the winter.” Medical Side Note: Patients waiting longer in emergency rooms Hormone therapy raises risk quickly, study finds Cholesterol drug falls short of hopes Rat heart created in lab signals hope for humans


放了一個多月的假, 終於又回來了. 不過因裁員, 組裡已經少了一半的人了. 不過人少還是有好處, 工作量都少了…因為人手不夠. :-p

$40 電視數位轉換器的折扣卷

TV Converter Program Website: 簡體中文申請表

為了迎接 2009 年 2 月, 電視的廣播從 analog 全面的改成 digital. 自今日起, 可以申請 $40 的折扣卷購買電視數位轉換器(2008 年 2 月才開始發售). 每個家庭可以申請兩張折扣卷. 這 $40 折扣卷的有效期限為約 90 天.

不過如果家裡是使用 cable 或 satellite, 並不需要特別的購買電視數位轉換器. 這電視數位轉換器主要是針對不想升級目前的電視, 並使用天線接收電視廣播的收視戶. 如果家裡備有發電機, 這電視數位轉換器倒是可以當做備份使用. 當停電時, 這轉換器可以讓家裡沒有升級的電視接收廣播, 獲取消息.