總統先生, 您還真不知民間疾苦???

$4-a-gallon gas? Predictions surprise Bush

Peter Maer of CBS News Radio asked: “What's your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of $4-a-gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing … ”

“Wait, what did you just say?” the president interrupted. “You're predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline?”

Maer responded: “A number of analysts are predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

Bush's rejoinder: “Oh, yeah? That's interesting. I hadn't heard that.”

Side Note:
Snow and rain are laden with bacteria
Consumers fight rising use of hidden fees
One-third of workers sleepy enough to doze on the job, survey finds

Medical Side Note:
Vitamin E won't help, may hurt, cancer study says

GET 這麼貴啦!!!

由於都是用 529 Plan, 所以對華盛頓州的 GET (Guaranteed Education Tuition Program) 並沒有特別的花時間去讀讀. 不過由於近幾個月以來, 529 Plan 跟著經濟起舞, 所以才想想也該有個保險一點的. 不過發現今年的 GET 每個 unit 都要 $74. 100 units 等於一年的學雜費等, 如果可以一次付清 400 units, 四年學雜費是 400 units * $74 約 $29,600. 如果是用分期的方式繳 18 年. 每個月是 $250 * 12 個月 * 18 年, 總共是 $54,000. $54,000 – $29,600 = $24,400 就這樣的當利息和服務費等給付了. 只是有錢能一次付清 $29,600 的人, 又那會想要加入 GET. 還不如拿去投資可能有更大的收益… Side Note: Daily walks cut risk of stroke, study says U.S. existing-home sales, prices fall; King County bucks price trend TB increasingly resistant to some drugs