住 Rainier Valley 和 Beacon Hill 請小心自身安全

2008/02/14 Bus Stop Attacker Strikes Again 2008/01/24 Search on for suspect in bus stop assault Police need public’s help to find suspect in attack 2007/11/30 Police Say Sexual Attacker Preying On Asian Women 攻擊者針對亞洲女性, 目前為止約有 21 例的類似案件. 而且最近幾次有越來越大膽的趨勢. 搭乘下列公車的人 (Metro #7, #9, #32, #34, #36, #42, #48) 以及住在 Rainier Valley 和 Beacon Hill, 請小心自身安全. Side Note: Home sales, prices decline across Washington Medical Side Note: Study links obesity to more types of cancer


今天早上在往 Seattle Center 的路上, 擠到不行. 公車在 I-5 上被擠到. 市中心往 Seattle Center 的路上也擠. 到市中心後準備轉車到 Belltown, 公車根本連擠上去的地方都沒有. 結果等到第三班的公車才勉強有立足之地. 實在是太瘋狂了. Obama venue reaches capacity; people outside want in Side Note: Biofuels make greenhouse gases worse, scientists say Obese less likely to use seat belts Smoking could kill 1 billion in 21st century Want to see 100? Find aggressive doctors 4 nursing homes in state get lowest rating Medical Side Note: Does our lack of sun put your health in danger? Treating prostate cancer not always necessary