
Airport Way likely closed until afternoon due to crash 今天早上帶小朋友去幼稚園後, 切過 Beverly Hill Road, 轉進 Airport Road, 在 Highway 99 的街口因紅燈停了下來. 就在此時, 一聲相撞的巨響就在眼前發生. 只見一輛 Oversize 載著 Manufacture Home 的卡車, 從一輛紅色的小轎車後面, 在中央的分隔島上撞了上去. 這一撞小轎車轉了個 180 度, 整個外觀就爛了. 一個大卡車的輪胎冒了出來, 一蹦一蹦的滾到了路旁. 只見濃濃的白煙從小轎車裡冒了出來. 感覺上約有十多秒, 那一頭的道路靜了下來. 只見一輛 SUV 小心的繞過中央的車禍區, 走了… 紅色的小轎車沒有一點動靜. 終於那一頭開始有人從車子裡出來, 跑了過去. 卡車司機也下車. 我也該下車看看嗎? 我們這頭是綠燈了, 把車子慢慢的駕了過去. 那時已經有約三四個人正在往小轎車跑去. 想了想, 已經那麼多人了, 如果老婆在就好了, 我自己還是乖乖的去上班吧. 慢慢的駛過紅色的小轎車, 只見一位白髮的女士面朝下, 頭靠著駕駛盤. 一動也不動. 希望她會沒事… Side Note: CDC: 3 out of 4 new moms in US now breast-feed their infants Tax rebates start going out today, earlier than planned Social networkers beware: Applications pose risks Report urges huge changes to factory-farming practices Seattle home prices show dip on national index, fare better than elsewhere in the nation Tips for using the federal jobs site


Rice shortage hits home in Seattle Drought’s impact felt far beyond rice crop World food crisis hits home Wal-Mart-owned Sam’s Club limits rice purchases Bangkok Post: World Bank warns of Thai rice export risk Bloomberg.com: World Bank Says Thai Curb on Rice Exports Would Deepen Crisis 實在很難相信這新聞. 因為星期一我才從 Costco 提了包 25 pounds 的米回來. 不過我倒是奇怪, 為什麼 50 pounds 都沒有了? 需要開始屯積糧食了嗎??? Side Note: Washington state still lags behind nation in childhood immunization New data on danger of U.S. 2: “State data shows that 4,698 collisions occurred along U.S. 2 between Everett and Stevens Pass from 1999 to 2007. Of those collisions, 156 resulted in disabling injuries or deaths….Since 1999, 48 people have died in crashes and accidents between Snohomish and Stevens Pass” New home sales plunge to lowest level in 16 1/2 years Seattle area falls to 16th in U.S. car thefts New-home sales drop to slowest pace since ’91 Medical Side Note: FDA to take closer look at dissatisfaction over Lasik FDA takes closer look at Lasik complaints