
距離上一次還沒有三個月呢! 今天在火車上一位女士和友人講電話, 講著講著就哭了起來. 聽著談話的內容, 似乎男朋友被另一位朋友給搶了. 唉, 不過這位女士心情倒是處理的不錯, 講完電話後, 拿起 Nintendo DS 開始玩了起來… Side Note: Seattle-area children falling from windows with alarming frequency Many of us likely to outlive savings “Cadillac of worms” rules as an urban composter Study: global warming may increase kidney stones Study: Physical fitness may slow Alzheimer’s disease More work-seekers boost unemployment Testicular cancer on rise among young men Consumer prices jump 1.1 percent in June Study: Kids become sluggish as teens [url=seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2008053817_jobless160.html]State’s jobless rate now matches national average[/url

健行? Mount Pilchuck 是要很小心的路線

Hikers rescued off Mount Pilchuck Mount Pilchuck State Park 是位於 Everett 西邊約 35 英哩的山. 由於這山頭剛好位於 Cascade Mountains 的最西邊, 因此山上的風景可以遠眺西雅圖, 奧林匹克半島的群山和 Puget Sound 上的島嶼. 是一個很受歡迎的一日遊地點. 很不幸的這山也藏著不可知的危險. 除了雪, 山崖和雲霧氣外, 這 Mount Pilchuck 在 1980 年前是個滑雪場. 因此不小心轉錯了彎, 就很容易迷路. 每年總是有人在那裡迷路等著救援. 上山前, 最好在 Verlot 的 Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Ranger Station 探路問一下, 以策安全. Side Note: Edmonds Community College had record number of foreign students in 2007-08: 2007-2008 788 人, 2006-2007 600 人, 2003-2004 556 人 The Naked Loon pokes online fun at Seattle King County home sales edge up in June as lower prices lure first-time buyers “Alarming trend” of burglaries reported in Central Seattle Home buyers: Don’t forget interest Inventory increases as home sales slow Childhood lead linked to criminal behavior Watch your waistline: Fat men have bad sperm Foreclosure filings up nearly 70% in state Salmonella cases grow in Washington, nationwide Bellevue makes ranks of 200 largest U.S. cities