Bartell 免費回收 CFL 燈泡

Bartell launches free CFL bulb recycling program: Bartell 開始免費回收 CFL 燈泡. 因為這些燈泡含有少量的水銀. [img=images/cfl-bulb.gif popup=false] 照片出處: Montana DEQ Side Note: Men pay price to back equal pay for women 1900-1910: Snohomish County’s wonder years Issaquah makes list of healthiest U.S. places to retire Millions spend half of income on housing “In King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, 42.5 percent of homeowners with a mortgage spent at least 30 percent of their income on housing costs in 2007 and 14.5 percent spent more than 50 percent. In the city itself, 40 percent spent at least 30 percent of income on housing and 13.5 percent spent at least half.” Wage Comparisons by Occupation: 薪水對照表

Battle In Seattle Movie

Battle in Seattle 敘述著 1999 年 11 月底 WTO 在西雅圖開會時所發生的事件.

“Battle in Seattle”: looking back at 1999 and taking sides

儘管上班的地方就在西雅圖市中心, 但是正巧那段時間回娘家, 所以就意外的避開了這事件. 回來後只能從同事的口中, 看到些市中心零星地點燒焦的垃圾鐵箱和釘上木材夾版的破碎窗戶想像當時的混亂.

Battle in Seattle 9 月 19 日起在全美有限的戲院上映.

Side Note:
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