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Going-Out-of-Business Sales Not Such a Bargain
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Going-Out-of-Business Sales Not Such a Bargain
Money tip | How to cut costs and get your finances in order in 2009
• Make your finances a priority. You may have spent more during the holidays, so the new year is the perfect time to make a change.
• Stay calm and don't make any major financial moves like cashing out your 401(k). The recession has been here since December 2007 so there is no need to panic.
• Re-evaluate your spending habits. Go through your last six months of bank statements. Do this every two months in 2009 to make sure you stay on track.
• Build a monthly budget and set financial goals by creating a plan to stay on track.
• Create a lifestyle that fits your budget. Find ways to cut back where you can. For example, trim your cable package, turn down the thermostat and reduce your dining out.
• Pay with cash. Stop using credit cards and live a cash-only lifestyle.
• Find a part-time job to make extra money.
• Pay down debt. Make it a priority to pay down credit-card debt. The longer you keep a balance on your credit card, the more money you are losing.
• Start an emergency savings fund. Start small and build the reserve as backup for when you are faced with unexpected expenses such as health emergencies or necessary car repairs.
• Keep your spirits up. Don't look at these changes as deprivations, but as powerful steps that you are taking to get your finances in order.
Side Note:
Fear of restrictions spurs gun purchases
Tax time: How to file free online: the IRS announced that for the 2009 tax-filing season, regardless of your income, you can file for free electronically by going to
今天下午到了市中心, 準備轉搭回家. 下了公車, 正巧紅綠燈變成綠色…趕緊過馬路. 道路對面迎面來了一對男女(沒有必要去猜測他們的關係), 也急忙著過馬路. 就這樣的我擋了那位小姐的路, 那位小姐也擋了我的路. 猜左猜右了兩三次, 我自動的停了下來, 讓她先決定她要從我左邊還是右邊過. 就在這剎那, 那位小姐一個失足, 往我站的方向滑壘的方式滑倒了. 為了避免被她給撞倒, 很快的我往上跳過了她…讓她順利的”滑壘成功”. 轉身問她是否可好? 只見她迅速的自己站了起來, 連看我也不看的繼續往前趕路. 稍微頓了一下, 看見她似乎沒有什麼問題的走路. 趕緊的轉身自己也去趕公車去了… 想想剛才也許突然的停了下來讓她決定要走那邊時, 讓她失去了重心而滑倒吧!!! 無論如何還是非常的對不起了… Side Note: More jobs melt away; unemployment hits 7.2% Second job now a top priority Nursing recruiters add perks to attract applicants Looking for a job? Be careful with your online profile Foreclosure numbers for Puget Sound region climbing faster Public schools get C average State’s economy had bleak year Foreclosures in U.S. up 81% from ’07 30-year mortgage rates drop to lowest mark, below 5% No new students at UW in Seattle this spring: UW – Seattle 今年春沒有收任何學生(包括轉學生)… Get your sleep, or a cold FDA urges people to avoid peanut butter products