等了 13 年多, Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail 約兩個星期就要開始行駛了… 七月十八和十九日免費搭乘, 想嘗鮮的就去跟人家擠擠吧!!! 雖說這輕鐵經過東南亞商店聚集的 MLK 上, 只是除了 Othello 外, 其他的車站附近都沒有東南亞商店. 尤其沒有車站位置靠近在 MLK 上的越華. 不過 Othello Station 北側紅綠燈處有個小型的東南亞商場 (King Plaza). 其中那越南麵包店 (Tammy Deli and Bakery) 的肉丸倒是滿好吃的 (7107 Martin Luther King Jr S Plaza 一樓), 只是價位似乎是高了些. 商場後面, Safeway 斜對面有間泰國/柬埔寨商店. 可以找到些少見的泰國食材.
7/3 Naval Station Everett 開放參觀
Put on your sailor’s cap and explore Naval Station Everett 今年只有 Frigates (USS Rodney M. Davis, USS Ingraham), 一艘 Destroyer (USS Shoup) 和一艘 Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC Henry Blake). USS Abraham Lincoln 目前在 Bremerton 整修所以並沒有在基地. Site Note: Seattle sets new city record for recycling Seattle now bigger than Nashville, smaller than Denver Seattle’s population grows faster; state’s slows Seattle home prices edge up in April from March — first rise in year Jobless rates rise in all US metro areas in May
[廣告] RealPlayer SP
Side Note: Air has elevated cancer risk in 600 neighborhoods Michael Jackson (Jackson 5)於 2009 年 6 月 25 日逝世…雖然對他的樂風並不是很對味, 不過畢竟還是從小聽到大的歌手. Trail to ice caves reopens Saturday Surprising number of teens think they’ll die young Drowning in student loan debt? Help’s here Puget Sound area ranks high in cancer risk from toxic air pollution, reports say Find a clean beach for a swim FRONTLINE/World Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground