Sound Transit 輕鐵

今天公車被市中心的施工, 堵在 Stewart Street 上. 看上整街上的車潮, 臨時決定從 Bus Tunnel 到 International District Station. 到了 Westlake Station 正巧一輛輕鐵進站, 毫不猶豫的上了車箱…還是第一次搭輕鐵呢!!! 搭到 Mt. Baker Station 再搭回來好了…結果是搭到終點 Tukwila International BLVD Station. 這麼個來回花了一個小時十五分鐘. 輕鐵真的是很安靜, 行車時只有聽見冷氣的聲音. 列車的搖晃也剛好, 搖得我一直要睡著了. 碰的一聲…總覺得這輕鐵關門的聲音怎麼這麼大. 還是只有我搭的那個車箱是如此? Side Note: King County home sales climb to 2-year high The Best Cities For Working Mothers (Seattle ranked 9th) Teens are baring way too much on online social networks Study: 1 in 10 teens has posted a nude picture online Aspirin shows promise for colon cancer patients Diabetes: Know the facts and risks