Mixed blessing: credit card reform may shock some
Pediatricians urge choking warning labels for food
Getting There: Is the taxi overcharging me?
Side Note
Happiness reduces heart-attack risk, study finds
Smoking to be banned in Seattle's parks
Seattle's park smoking ban is relaxed: 不過隔天, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent 宣佈將不會如此嚴格. “The park board's rule prohibits “smoking, chewing or other tobacco use” within 25 feet of other people, play areas and beaches.”
Gregoire proposes new taxes on soda, water, candy 州長大人, 您建議瓶裝水抽稅就算了, 我可以自已準備水. 碳酸飲料抽稅也算了, 反正我就不要喝. 可是連糖果您也要建議抽稅…這不是在跟小朋友搶錢嗎? 上次選舉我是沒有投給您, 您也不需要這樣殘忍連我唯一最歡樂的時刻也要剝奪. 那住在華盛頓州還有什麼樂趣可言!!! Side Note: Violent crime inches up in Seattle Property-tax bills fall for most in King County