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maller;”>Seattle Channel Video can be played in Flash Player 9 and up文章
Apples tops in pesticide residues, report says
How long will you live? Depends on the county
Number of adult smokers in state creeps upward
Good luck…ladies
While taking the bus #16 to downtown Seattle this afternoon, there were two ladies asking the bus driver the direction to Everett Station. After overheard few conversation between ladies and the bus driver, I finally realized that they were on the way to Seattle Premium Outlet. I interrupted, ” I am sorry. Do you say that you are going to Seattle Premium Outlet?” One of the ladies nod her head. “You do know that it is 4:30 and it will take you more than two hours to get there. People generally go there in the morning so they can have a whole day there.” I continued. They do not answer. OK! It appeared that they would do whatever it takes to make the trip. I warned them about the time of returning trip, drew a map, and explained how to get there and back, sent them to #510 bus. Good luck, ladies. Some people do whatever it takes to shop…no matter how little time they will have when they get there.