
Bush visit will snarl traffic: 總統先生在今天下午會到訪 Bellevue. 再加上警察, 贊助者, 抗議者等等之下, Bellevue 今天下午的通勤就自己照顧自己了… We’ll have front-row seat for lunar eclipse: 明天凌晨有月全蝕… 時間是從 1:51 a.m. 月全蝕從 2:52 a.m. 至 4:22 a.m. 並結束於 5:24 a.m. 今晚的天氣應該是滿適合的. 不過月全蝕太常見了, 不知道有多少人有興趣??? Side Note: How happy are we? Danes are an 8.2, but Americans only a 7.4 24 schools fall short of standards State SAT scores drop, but remain among best in nation Home prices here up, but not way up 1 in 10 youths in state lives in poverty Home prices here up, but not way up Medical Side Note: Human stem cells fix heart damage in lab rats Obesity rates climb in most states
