林肯航艦七月四日開放參觀, 只是…

Tickets to tour Lincoln to go fast [img=images/image_20050704_everett1.jpg popup=false] [img=images/personal_DDG-86Shoup.jpg popup=false] CVN-72 (USS Abraham Lincoln) 和 DDG-86 USS Shoup, 將於七月四日開放參觀. 不過開放時間是從正午至下午五點, 每個小時一次. 為了平息兩年前開放時的瘋狂的擁擠狀態. 今年將在 Everett 海軍基地入口處分發上船的參觀卷(安全因素, 限八歲以上的人), 以控制人數. 參觀卷發完為止. Navel Station Everett 將於當日十一點起開放讓民眾進入. 不過基地內是禁止一般民眾的車輛進入, 基地外的停車場也不大. 因此根據往年經驗 Everett Transit 會提供往返基地和 Everett Station 的接駁巴士.


Snohomish County 的華人似乎越來越多了. 剛來這個郡的時候, 聽到的亞洲人說話, 大多是說日文. 五六年前, 韓文開始氾濫. 對不起, 文字的敘述不好. 我的意思是說, 說韓文的人似乎就在幾個月之內, 隨處可聽到. 速度之快, 令人吃驚. 可能和說韓文的人, 有集中性的居住有關. 從去年開始, 聽到說華文的機會慢慢的增加了. 不習慣這種感覺. 總覺得似乎是到了南加州才有的現象. 我想還是要慢慢的習慣的. Side Note: City’s home prices to keep soaring School closures: Parents’ strategies differ: Shoreline School District More U.S. teens want it all Some coffee stands get steamier: 檳榔西施要在這裡開拓新領域了…咖啡西施??? 報紙上報導的 Espresso Stands Cowgirls Espresso, The Sweet Spot Cafe. Moka Girls Beware the trap of zero percent credit Legendary bar moves, affordable housing rises along Broadway Medical Side Note: Bone breaks linked to antidepressants


Olympus Terrace Sewer District 雇用修理排水道的公司, 目前雇用 Erickson Air CraneS-64 直昇機, 運輸一些整修排水道的裝備. [img=images/image_20061209_S64_chopper1.jpg popup=false] 位於 Mukilteo Speedway 和 Paine Field Boulevard 的街口旁的停車場是觀看直昇機來回運輸的絕佳地點. [img=images/image_20061209_S64_chopper2.jpg popup=false] 直昇機將會一直工作至星期二. Side Note: Daiso (第四分店): Westlake Center, 400 Pine Street #1005, Seattle, WA 95101 Bento Box: Loops – delivery only 刀削麵: Cafe Ori (台式) – 14339 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, WA Seven Star Pepper (七星椒; 川式) – 1207 S. Jackson Street #211, Seattle, WA Where the nukes are: 20 miles from downtown Seattle County boosts cardiac survival rate Adult measles case confirmed in Seattle Why crab prices are way down E. coli outbreaks reveal holes in food safety net Many families consumed by health care costs Medical Side Note: Local family helps identify gene tied to deadly cancer s it Alzheimer’s? Answer may be found in spinal fluid Study notes improvement in blood-pressure control “Watchful waiting” isn’t best option for prostate cancer, study argues Smokers who exercise cut cancer risk slightly