
Washington Mutual 感謝你 119 年來在華盛頓州所做的… 不知道那棟西雅圖市中心最”閃亮”的建築物之一 (Washington Mutual Tower) 會改成什麼名字? WaMu assets bought by JP Morgan after massive withdrawals What happens to WaMu depositors, stockholders Washington Mutual: A long history History of Washington Mutual: 先從 Washington Mutual 的網站貼過來, 再幾個月這網址就會成歷史了. A City Rebuilds A long dry spell and a burning glue pot touched off the fire that blackened the business district of Seattle on June 6, 1889, engulfing 25 city blocks and destroying nearly everything in its 120-acre path. The Washington National Building Loan and Investment Association filed articles of incorporation on September 25, 1889, to offer its stockholders a safe and profitable vehicle for investing and lending. This allowed the Association to help Seattle residents rebuild after the fire. The company made the first monthly-installment home loan on the Pacific Coast on February 10, 1890. The borrower, a Norwegian-born seaman, used the $700 loan to build a house in Ballard, a neighborhood in Seattle. This creative amortized home loan proved so popular that the Association made more than 2,000 similar loans to help build 250 blocks of housing in Seattle. Turn of the Century On June 25, 1908, the company changed its name to Washington Savings and Loan Association. Eugene Favre, co-founder of Murphey Favre, Inc., of Spokane, became a member of the board in 1911, marking the start of a relationship between the investment firm and Washington Mutual. Winning the War Years Washington Mutual expanded its assets during World War I by 68 percent, thus escaping the impact of the recession that followed. The company emerged from the war years with a reputation as the strongest savings institution in Washington. Saving Their Pennies The company instituted its School Savings program to help teach children the value of saving money. On March 13, 1923, the first School Bank Day, nearly 17,000 schoolchildren made deposits. Several hundred thousand children have been introduced to banking through this program since it began. The Midnight Merger Facing financial distress in the early days of The Great Depression, officials of Continental Mutual Savings Bank asked Washington Mutual to purchase their bank. On July 25, 1930, Continental became Washington Mutual’s first acquisition. Early Innovator In 1962, Washington Mutual installed its first computer, an IBM 1401 the size of a refrigerator with 4k of memory—a third of the memory of a wristwatch computer in 1990. “The bank is the first savings bank west of Minneapolis to install this advanced computer system,” wrote The Seattle Times in its February 28 edition. In 1974, Washington Mutual pioneered the first shared cash machine network in the nation, The Exchange. Washington Mutual and a consortium of savings banks helped finance the first Pay-by-Phone telephone banking program during the 1970s. The 1970s were a time of turmoil in American urban centers. Recognizing the decay of inner-city housing, the company introduced the Step Rate Loan, which allowed low-income borrowers to meet underwriting requirements. This loan initiated Washington Mutual’s long-term commitment to community and neighborhood reinvestment. Going Public In 1983, at a time when many thrifts folded, Washington Mutual acquired Murphey Favre, a full-service securities brokerage firm. This acquisition was the first of its kind in the nation. The bank converted from a mutual form of ownership to a capital stock savings bank on March 11, 1983. The bank’s common stock debuted on this date and sold out, raising $72 million—26 percent more than expected. The bank held its first annual shareholders’ meeting on March 8, 1984. With the stock sold and the bank publicly owned, Washington Mutual reengineered, diversified and continued expanding. The bank’s assets more than doubled within six years of going public. Leading the Way After rapid growth in the 1990s, Washington Mutual, Inc. is now established as one of the nation’s leading financial services companies and continues to serve consumers and small- to mid-sized businesses through the various subsidiaries in the Washington Mutual family of companies.

7/1 日起駕車時將禁止使用手機

Q&A about the new cellphone law 7/1 日起駕車時將禁止使用手機. 違規者將可罰 $124, 這罰單將不會通知違規者車子的保險公司. 不過還是有小字的. *. 駕車還是可以使用免持的手機講電話. * 這是屬於 Secondary Offense. 就是說, 警察伯伯必須要先找到其他的過失(比如超速), 才可以加開這駕車使用手機的罰單. PS: 打簡訊自今年初時就已經是禁止駕車時使用了. Side Note: Hate your job? Stay put but stand firm Sex diseases ‘double in over-45s’ Buying online? State sales tax now awaits

Cama Beach State Park

華盛頓州十多年來新的州立公園 Cama Beach State Park, 位於 Island County 的 Camano Island. 位於西雅圖以北, 距離西雅圖只有約 90 分鐘的車程. 這公園是由原本的 Cama Beach Resort 而來, 因此有不少的小木屋出租. 位於 South Lake Union 的 Center for Wooden Boat 也有在這裡提供課程. PS: 昨天第一次在那吵雜的 Sounder 上睡覺了…我想我一定是太累了. Side Note: State ranked No. 5 in tech industry High-tech companies show growth in ’06; Seattle leads in hires Speeders — van will get your number