[新聞] 買車嗎? 小心是’國外’進口的

在華盛頓州, 有不少從加拿大進口再進行改裝, 以達到美國汽車安全標準的二手車. 問題是有些汽車公司(比如 Honda 和 Chrysler), 並不接受進口車的保固. 問題是, 在華盛頓州, 賣車的商家並沒有必要告訴買主, 車子是否是從加拿大進口的. Canadian cars can take wrong turn # Get to know a vehicle before you buy it. 買車前, 要先對你想要購買的車有所了解. # Before seeing the dealer, write down everything that is important to your purchase decision. For example, itemize aspects of the vehicle, including everything from color to origin. 到商家之前, 先寫下所有認為幫你做決定的問題. 比如從車子的顏色至車子從那裡來等等的詳細列表. # Have the salesperson answer your questions in writing and sign it. Don’t accept “I don’t know” for an answer. 讓售貨員寫下你的問題, 並簽字. 不要接受那些”我不知道”的答案. # When considering a used car, even a “certified pre-owned” vehicle, conduct a search on the vehicle’s history at www.Carfax.com or ask the dealer to do it for you. Carfax stands by its information with a buyback guarantee. 當購買甚至”有保證的”二手車時, 上網 www.Carfax.com 檢視車子的歷史或請賣車商家提供. Carfax 保證他們提供的車子資訊. 如有錯誤, 他們將買下你的問題車. # Have the vehicle independently inspected by a trusted mechanic. 讓可以信賴的獨立技師檢驗車子 Medical Side Note: Falling in love? It’s all in your head

[新聞] 問題汽油…

如果你是使用 76 油站(其他一些向 ConocoPhillips 購油的自營油站)的油, 也許你加到有問題的汽油. Tainted gasoline causes rush for repairs Bad gasoline alert expanded to King County Problem: Cars with fuel injectors fouled by tainted ConocoPhillips gasoline may hesitate, stall, ride roughly or backfire. Solution: Contact a dealership or repair shop authorized by ConocoPhillips to make the repairs. For a list of authorized shops, go to www.conocophillips.com. If you need help, call ConocoPhillips customer service at 1-800-527-5476. The company will pay for the costs if a mechanic concludes the damage stems from bad gasoline. Receipts or other proof of purchase for the gas aren’t required. Sources: ConocoPhillips, AAA Washington


從七月一日起, 每包的香煙稅將從 $1.425 增加到 $2.025. 如果從網路上或跨州買煙, 也必須要自首報稅. 如果被抓到抽沒有繳稅的煙, 則需要付每包 $10 或至多 $250 的罰款(取較多的那一個). Chapter 82.24 RCW TAX ON CIGARETTES 想戒煙, 來華盛頓州似乎是不錯的選擇… Side Note: 七月一日起, 酒也要加稅 (Liquor Tax). 每公升 (liter), 將增加 $1.33. 只是一直找不到目前的 Liquor Tax 數字.