* Drive 6 to 10 mph over, $124 * Drive 11 to 15 mph over, $154 * Drive 16 to 20 mph over, $195 * Drive 21 to 25 mph over, $247 * Drive 26 to 30 mph over, $298 * Drive more than 31 mph over the speed limit, expect criminal charges. Speed need will come at higher price Side Note: 10 new laws worth noting: 八月一日起生效的一些新法律. Get ready for the I-5 blues: 八月十日至八月二十九日, 北行 I-5 從 S. Spokane Way 到 I-90 間將會進行全天施工. Alternative routes during I-5 closure
Veggie Booty (回收)
Veggie Booty recalled after four children get salmonella: 華盛頓州已經有四個小朋友得了沙門氏菌 (salmonella), 其中兩位需要住院. 如果家裡有這種包裝的零食, 一定要丟棄或退還給店家. 在大西雅圖地區, 這 Veggie Booty 是販賣於 QFC, Fred Meyer, PCC, Red Apple Markets, Central Market 和 Ballard Market. 這沙門氏菌最大的症狀是腹瀉並排有血便. Side Note: Healthy Fish Eating Guide By Washington State Department of Health Puget Sound Fish Consumption Advisory Areas by Washington State Department of Health Teen maternity rates fall sharply FDA blocks tainted seafood from China State ranks the hotspots where many drivers put pedal to floor Medical Side Note: Is post-abortion syndrome real? Scientists discover stress-obesity switch Study ties poor sense of smell to Alzheimer’s
West Nile Virus (西尼羅河病毒)
West Nile virus could hit area hard this summer: 西尼羅河病毒 Side Note: Study: Firstborn kids are smarter: 研究顯示第一個出生的孩子智商比其他家裡小朋友好. 不過如果小朋友的出生間隔是五年以上, 就不明顯. Medical Side Note: Video games: clinical addiction?