No Gun

小朋友在玩遊樂器的射擊遊戲. 媽媽看到了說, “No gun allowed for you, or you don’t play.” 小朋友聽了把槍放下, 換了一支刀, 並對媽媽說, “See, no gun. It’s sword.” 然後繼續他的遊戲… Side Note: Minnesota tops list in health rankings 94 deaths of homeless people highlight lack of care Business of providing a good night’s sleep is booming Medical Side Note: Drug for diabetes works, but it has serious side effects U.S. looking in wrong place for bird flu, new study says Study: 1 in 1,000 new mothers suffer from disorders


今天的通勤公車只有從靠近 I-5 的 Park & Ride 有限度的發車, 其他通通都取消了. 原本晚上有上課的, 現在學校也取消了所有今天的課程. 今天沒有出門上班是猜對了… Side Note: Nonprofit wish lists Free flu vaccines to be given out on Saturday: 免費的流感疫苗. Garfield Community Center, 2323 E. Cherry St., Seattle. 12/02/2006 日從早上 10:00am 起至 1,000 劑的疫苗用完, 或 2:00pm 為止. Children’s grades aren’t hurt by time online, study shows 47 million here speak foreign language Couples struggle to find harmony between the sheets Why we love going to Canada Medical Side Note: Warning on HIV drugs: Don’t stop Cancer drugs can harm brain, studies say Ultrasound method could mean fewer breast biopsies for women New test may lead to fewer breast lump biopsies Doubts are raised over artery stents