$1.99 的牛奶

如果可以發現 $1.99 的牛奶, 一定要毫不猶豫的買下去. 因為隨時都有可能就漲價了. 現在越來越難買到一加侖 $1.99 的牛奶了… :-( Side Note: Changes to GST/HST Visitor Rebate Program: 加拿大的 GST/HST Visitor Rebate Program 取消, 由 Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program 取代. 其中最大不一樣的地方是, 現在以個人去加拿大的不可以報退稅了. 跟團 (Tour Package) 的還是可以報退稅. Hang up that cellphone or face a $101 penalty: 七月一日起駕車打手機罰 $101. Hand-Free Devices 還是可以繼續使用. With condos, agency expands ownership aid Study: Abstinence classes don’t stop sex With surging imports come safety concerns Getting into the UW even tougher this year


今天早上驚訝的發現竟然有約一英吋多的雪在地上!!! 不過倒是沒有造成什麼困擾. 只是四月還下雪倒是第一次. Side Note: Area home prices are climbing again Seattle area grew 7.2% in 6 years, but Tri-Cities population up 17.8% After a 2-month lull, home prices take off When a charity devours donors’ money Good homes stood out in the crowd as housing sales slow Local home prices still climbing Medical Side Note: 2 Seattle hospitals make U.S. best list Mammograms from ages 40-50? Maybe not Review of hormone study downplays heart risk High-tech mammogram less reliable, study finds


絕對不要問人家的小朋友幾歲. 不是禮貌的問題, 只是會讓你自己覺得老很快. 如果不想自己覺得老很快, 那就不要問人家的小朋友幾歲. 尤其是那些不常見面的, 更是不要問. It is for your own good. Side Note: Airlines’ service getting worse, report says Average Seattle worker can’t afford to live here Medical Side Note: FDA worries anesthesia risky for kids Scientists convert blood for universal use Study links weight gain in pregnancy to fat tots