距離上一次還沒有三個月呢! 今天在火車上一位女士和友人講電話, 講著講著就哭了起來. 聽著談話的內容, 似乎男朋友被另一位朋友給搶了. 唉, 不過這位女士心情倒是處理的不錯, 講完電話後, 拿起 Nintendo DS 開始玩了起來… Side Note: Seattle-area children falling from windows with alarming frequency Many of us likely to outlive savings “Cadillac of worms” rules as an urban composter Study: global warming may increase kidney stones Study: Physical fitness may slow Alzheimer’s disease More work-seekers boost unemployment Testicular cancer on rise among young men Consumer prices jump 1.1 percent in June Study: Kids become sluggish as teens [url=seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2008053817_jobless160.html]State’s jobless rate now matches national average[/url
到現在為止都還沒有打過領帶呢!!! 不過也遇見過幾次需要打領帶的場合, 我的方式是…那我就不去了. Give dad a break: Here’s how to stand on your own two feet and give the old man a day off [img=images/images_herald_20080616.jpg popup=false] 照片出處 Side Note: Seattle’s housing growth is off the charts
自從放上 Google Analytics 才發現到來拜訪 www.leck.com 的人, 有 94% 是從德國來的. 原來在德國, 還真有一個地方是叫 Leck., 靠近丹麥邊界… Side Note: Study: Vinyl shower curtains unsafe