- Could wearable devices adversely affect health? | ScienceDaily
- Health Officials Warn of Mosquitoes Carrying West Nile Virus | TIME
- New research in fatty liver disease aims to help with early intervention | ScienceDaily
- Physical training improves quality of life in advanced breast cancer | ScienceDaily
- Artificial blood vessels could improve heart bypass outcomes | ScienceDaily
- A ‘thank you’ goes a long way in family relationships | ScienceDaily
- Eating more fruits and vegetables to reduce dietary acid lowers blood pressure and improves kidney and heart health in patients with hypertension | ScienceDaily
- Patient trust in healthcare tanked during COVID-19 pandemic | TechTarget
- Less sleep and later bedtime in childhood linked to future substance use | ScienceDaily
- Why You Really Need to Floss | TIME
- Lonely people tend to have more nightmares, new research shows | ScienceDaily
- Obsessing Over Your Own Happiness Makes You Less Happy | TIME
- Memory loss in aging and dementia: Dendritic spine head diameter predicts memory in old age | ScienceDaily
- Live longer, die healthier | ScienceDaily
- Cutting a few calories won’t hurt your workout | ScienceDaily