[新聞] 上班的人要多多照顧自己的身體

Tips for fighting workplace weight gain
這種事的確是很難, 尤其很多公司的飲料都是免費供應的. Google 還有免費的午餐.
# Keep a bottle of water at the desk. Instead of reaching for a snack when tired or bored, grab the water. It's good for you and will help you feel full, not to mention hydrated.
# Blacklist the vending machines.
# Hang up the phone. It's easy to stay sitting all day, what with e-mail, the phones, etc. But walk to see someone you need to speak with.
# Resurrect your lunch box. Many of us don't take lunch to work, and 39 percent of workers said they eat out at least three times per week. By bringing lunch, you save money, trim calories and control how much you eat.

Most U.S. workers report skipping lunch on busy days
這種事從沒有發生在我身上, 所有的事午餐後再說.
# Nearly half said they are more likely to indulge in unhealthy foods as between-meal snacks.
# One third feel tired or moody.
# An additional third confessed to overeating at the next meal if they skipped the previous one.
# One out of five said they got nauseous or had problems concentrating or thinking.

Unpaid maternity leave puts U.S. out of step with rest of world

[新聞] 2000 – 2003 年行人穿越馬路被撞的報告

完整報告: Report: A profile of pedestrian fatalities in King County, Washington 2000 – 2003 這四年間總共有 103 次的事故. • One in four pedestrians killed was over 60. (25% 被撞死的行人, 行人年齡超過 60 歲) • The winter months are especially dangerous. (冬季的月份是最危險的) • Highway 99 accounted for 10 percent of all pedestrian deaths. (10% 被撞死的行人是在 highway 99 上) • Unsafe crossing practices were to blame for 42 percent of fatalities. (42% 的事件, 是由行人自己不遵守規則穿越馬路) • About half of drivers in fatal pedestrian accidents were not charged. (約 50% 的駕駛人沒有因撞死人而被判刑) • About 60 percent of pedestrian fatalities were on roads with posted speed limits of 35 mph or slower. (60% 的行人被撞, 是發生在車速限制每小時 35 英哩以下) 資料來源: Need for pedestrian safety cited Side Note: Hollywood comes to Seafair: Torchlight parade tomorrow night: 今年 torchlight parade (火炬遊行???)的主題是好萊塢. Star Wars 裡的角色會參加遊行.


由於學生的入學越來越少, 目前已經到了 1920 年的入學數字. 西雅圖學區開始計畫打廣告來吸引學生入學. 唯有增加學生入學數目, 學校才可以從州政府取得較多的經費. 西雅圖學區, 將近有 25% 的小朋友是就讀私立學校. Selling Seattle schools — to prospective students 在大西雅圖地區, 最好的私立學校是 Lakeside SchoolSeattle Prep.. 一個 Seattle Times 詳細的私立學校列表. Side Note: Bill GatesPaul Allen 都是 Lakeside School 的畢業生. Parents can soon go to The Source Grades, more on schools’ Web site