[新聞] No Child Left Behind Act

今年有更多的學校沒有達到總統先生在 2002 年簽署的 No Child Left Behind Act. 絕大多數是位於 Cascade Mountains 東邊的學校, 不過還是有些在大西雅圖地區的學校沒有達到標準. 州政府教育局發佈的學校成績: “Improvement” status of schools and districts announced. 數字越大的 Step, 表示學校有更多需要改進的地方. 18 Seattle schools fail to meet performance goals: Landing on the federal list could lead to sanctions More schools missing targets A new way of judging how well schools are doing Side Notes: Retirement savings come before college fund Easy credit mortgages may hurt in downturn

[旅遊] Evergreen State Fair 和 Puyallup Fair

一年一度的 Evergreen State Fair 從今天開始, 一直到九月五日. Evergreen State Fair 是位於 Monroe 的 Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 西雅圖的東北方約三十英浬. 從西雅圖, 可以搭乘 Sound Transit #510 或 #513 到 Everett Station. 轉乘 Community Transit #270, #271, 或 #275 到達. 週末的時候可以向公車駕駛要 $2 的入園折扣卷. 另外華盛頓州最大, 世界上前十大的 Puyallup Fair 也將於九月九日開始到九月二十五日. Puyallup Fair 位於 Puyallup, 西雅圖的南方約三十五英哩. 從西雅圖, 可以搭乘 Sound Transit 的 #590, #591, 或 #594, 至 Tacoma Dome Station. 再轉乘 Pierce Transit 提供的 Fair 專車.

[新聞] 使用信用卡付餐館的帳?

Here's a tip: Restaurants may be padding the bill

在餐廳用餐使用信用卡付費時, 一些信用卡機器會自動的收取 20% 的小費. 也許你已經付了小費, 餐廳商家並不知道這件事. 信用卡公司'暫時'的把這 20% 小費扣了下來. 幾天後才加回去你的帳號. 這可能造成超出信用額度, 並被迫付超支的罰款.


# When signing a receipt at a restaurant, don't leave the tip line blank. If you wish to leave a cash tip or no tip, do not write 0. Draw a broad line through the area, and fill in the total line.

# Make sure to duplicate on your own copy what you write on the merchant's receipt.

# Cardholders should always keep their receipts and reconcile them against their account statements sent in the mail or made available online.