[電腦]找到免費的 GPS tagging 軟體

原來 Google Code 就已經有免費的 GPS tagging 的軟體; gpicsync. 試了一下, 基本的功能都有. 還好沒有花錢買需要付費的… Side Note: Consumer prices rise at double the expected rate US foreclosure filings surge 55 percent Gamers make good surgeons Women waiting longer to hear patter of little feet; more opting for no kids Doctors checking patients more for vitamin D levels Report: 1 in 4 state moms have C-sections Seattle’s hate crimes widespread, happen more often than thought: FBI Hate Crime Statistics A chicken in every yard? Why not?: 西雅圖市允許飼養至多三隻母雞, 禁止公雞. Breast-feeding may cut risk of aggressive cancer
