六月二十八日起, Solid Waste 就不再收電子產品了.

Snohomish County no longer wants your old electronics “Electronics won’t be accepted for recycling at three Snohomish County waste-transfer stations starting June 28. For other locations, search “electronics” at www.snoco.org or call 425-388-3425. Latex paint recycling is being discontinued on the same date. Dried cans should go in the garbage. To dry paint more quickly, mix it with unused cat litter, sawdust, dirt, shredded paper or paint hardener. Hours of operation at county recycling and transfer-station hours are being shortened. Neighborhood drop boxes in Gold Bar and Oso are closing. For specific times, search “solid waste” on www.snoco.org.” Side Note: Deals made for homes are slow to close Five Eastside high schools make Newsweek’s top 100 Children’s Museum in Seattle free for dads on Father’s Day WHO: Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years Unexplained deaths higher among children taking Ritalin, study says Study: Family time down, Internet use up
