Everett 失去組裝 Boeing 787 的第二條生產線

Boeing 在 2009 年 10 月 28 日決定在 Charleston, South Carolina 開闢組裝 Boeing 787 的第二條生產線. Everett loses out on second Boeing 787 assembly line Boeing picks Charleston for new 787 line Boeing picks South Carolina for 787 line Boeing picks North Charleston It’s mind made up early, Boeing’s talks with Murray were for appearances Side Note: Study: Cholesterol drugs may improve flu survival Swine flu, heart disease may be deadly mix 30,000 swine-flu vaccinations available for clinics Saturday 美國聯邦政府關於各類流感的中文網站 Swine flu suspected in infant’s death – Snohomish County King County pharmacies get swine flu vaccine
