NLO – Day 4


0500: Reveille
0515: PT
0600: Showers
0700: Breakfast
0815: Uniform Insepction
0830: PT Review
0920: Break
0930: Basic Military Drill
1020: Break
1030: Personal Relations
1120: Clean Barracks
1200: Chow
1300: Marching and Drill
1320: Break
1330: Navy Traditions and Heroes
1420: Break
1430: Team Building Exercise
1520: Break
1530: Guide of Flags
1620: Review General Orders, Chain of Command, Sailors Creed
1700: Chow
1800: Self Discipline and the Corps
1850: Break
1900: Ship Construction and Nomenclature
1950: Break
2000: Review
2030: Free Time / Study
2100: Taps

傍晚時刻有學員說了 “A” word 被 CO 聽到,在沒有人敢承認的情形上,全部的人罰洗廁所。有幾個孩子在面璧罰站時還可以見到兩行眼淚,希望他們可以永遠記住教訓。