[音樂] Tata Young 長大了…

Tata Young

剛剛無意間發現了 Tata Young (Sony 台灣網站)的新英文專輯, 下載了試聽, 驚覺我竟然已經是變老了…我是說 Tata Young 長大了, 音樂的風格完全是不一樣了. 事實上, 我已經至少五年沒有聽她的歌了.

出身於1980年12月14日, 擁有一半美國, 一半泰國血統的歌手, 是家中的獨女. 能在出道短短 10 年擁有 12,000,000 總唱片銷量, 她就是亞洲地區, 現今最具影響力前25名女歌手其中一位. (截錄自香港 Sony 中文網站)

感覺起來, 她的成名曲 ฉนรกเธอ (Chan Rak Thur (by 365 Jukebox; I Love You) 的歌似乎才兩三年的事, 想不到已經是快十年了…

Because I myself was not yet sure
Because I would have been embarrassed if you had known
I only followed your every move
Many a time you needed to hear this
But I myself needed to keep it inside
If I had told you that day, it would have been too soon
I am going to tell you today for only you to hear
I hope I am not too late
In telling you today
Because now I am sure
I love you

Because I myself never had anybody
Because I have never met anyone like you
I wanted to deliberate on my heart carefully
Many a time you needed to hear this
But I myself needed to keep it inside
If I had told you that day, it would have been too soon
I am going to tell you today for only you to hear
I hope I am not too late
In telling you today
Because now I am sure
I love you

I know that I was going too slow
But I never forgot
I still kept it inside all that time
I wanted you to
Be able to see the value of my love
When I was ready to tell you
I am going to tell you today for only you to hear
I hope I am not too late
In telling you today
Because now I am sure
I love you
I love you
Love you…

翻譯歌詞: 出處
