Withholding Calculator

如果每年都有收到大筆的聯邦退稅, 基本上就是無利息的借錢給政府. Withholding Calculator 利用上列的 Withholding Calculator, 可以讓你算一算每次收到薪水時, 到底需要預繳多少的聯邦稅款. 要算仔細一點!!! 算多了反而報稅時還要繳錢, 算少了就是無息借錢給你的叔叔.

Brokeback to the Future

Brokeback to the Future

這個搞笑的電影預告片証明了一件事. 偶爾花錢去看部很棒預告片的電影, 結果發現預告片和電影實際有所差別. 有些預告片裡的片段竟是電影最精華的部份.

Side Note:
Housing sales on decline

Medical Side Note:
Girls try drugs, alcohol at higher rates
“Lie down and be counted” — afternoon naps for adults
That low-fat diet may not protect you from cancer
Low-fat diets didn't lower cancer risks
Make sure drugs haven't expired
Kids need calcium checks, exercise for bone health, doctors say
U.S. cancer deaths drop