
搭公車最有趣的事之一就是可以聽聽別人的生活. Podcast 一點也追不上時代, 還要下載才可以聽. 搭公車隨時可以聽到第一手, 毫無剪輯的生活資訊. 從愛情, 小吃, 健康, 生活, 科技到火爆, 偵探, 甚至於個人資訊樣樣不缺. 實在是很難想像會有這麼多的人, 這麼慷慨的分享資訊給坐在他/她四周不相識的人. 感恩您!!! 不過別擔心, 我絕對不會告訴任何人. 保護您的隱私是我的責任. 不然下次我在公車上就沒有故事可以聽了. 當然請您也別露出一臉不悅的臉色. 畢竟咱們差不多天天搭同一部公車, 關心您也是我的責任…尤其是我好想知道下集的結果是什麼!!! Side Note: Bias crimes found in all areas of city Medical Side Note: If our health care’s so great, why does study say we’re “sicker than the English”? Alcoholism drug doubted Study links diabetes and overweight teens Study says spray flu vaccine works better than shot for tots


四月十日的遊行將在下星期一(五月一日)重復一次. 路線和時間都是一樣的. Side Note: Seattle schools to turn water off; arsenic (砷) detected (Gatewood Elementary, Leschi Elementary, Loyal Heights, Alternative Elementary School No. 2, Van Asselt Elementary Arsenic taints water at 5 schools Colleges can’t keep up with growing demand [img=images/seattletimes-20060501.gif popup=false] 照片出處: Seattle Times Medical Side Note: Alzheimer’s, diabetes tie possible Having fun — safely — in the sun

[電腦] Google Map API v2

[電腦]有趣的 Google Map Google 這個月升級 Google Map API 至第二版. 舊版目前還可以用到五月初. 因此還在使用第一版 Google Map API 的網站要趕緊升級了. 網站上的 Google Map 的中文製作簡介也修正適用於第二版了. 第二版增加了不少新功能, 不過我通常都是需要的時候才會想去學它… :-p Side Note: State has few regulations on starting up a preschool Medical Side Note: A starting point for locating eldercare services: Series Don’t look now: Anxious parents see dangers for kids everywhere License to Harm: Series Gene discovery may help solve bone disorder Pigeons don’t appear to be susceptible to bird flu Some are exercised over chocolate-milk study