Big Four

[img=images/image_20060625_bigfour.jpg popup=false] 上次去 Big Four 的時候是去晚了, 那些冰都已經是髒兮兮的. 昨天去的時候, 反而冰洞都還沒有出現. 不過小朋友似乎比我想像的還要好…只要和其他的小朋友一起. 如果是獨自一個人走, 沒有三分鐘就累了. Medical Side Note: Feel fat? See if these excuses might fit you Surgeon general warns of secondhand smoke Study suggests homosexuality begins in womb Fewer teens having babies; more are poor “Senior moments” may be Alzheimer’s Obesity figures into prostate cancer’s return Men with older brothers more likely to be gay Chinese, English speakers handle arithmetic differently