
為了慶祝今年九月三十日的博物館日. 大西雅圖地區有不少的博物館將讓民眾免費入館參觀(博物館內另外需付費的就另計了). 九月三十日又剛好是星期六. 華盛頓州有加入免費博物館日的有, Hoquiam Polson Museum Long Beach World Kite Museum and Hall of Fame Richland CREHST- Columbia River Exhibition of History, Science & Technology Seattle Henry Art Gallery Nordic Heritage Museum Seattle Asian Art Museum Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) The Museum of Flight Wing Luke Asian Museum Spokane Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture (MAC) Tacoma Tacoma Art Museum Washington State History Museum 其他的州可以至這裡查尋. Side Note: Homeowners warned about foreclosure ‘rescue’ scams Law: Teachers must be told if sex offenders are in class Break for seniors: Drugs prices rise less than inflation Wages lose ground on living costs Medical Side Note: Boys can pump iron to lower diabetes risk, study says Lessons in music help kids’ brains, study says

Issaquah Salmon Hatchery

今年 Issaquah Salmon Hatchery 開始殺魚取卵的日期是九月二十六日. 之後每個星期二早上九點起都會有殺魚取卵的工作, 一直到十一月中. 不過義工說, 來之前要告訴小朋友, 將會有非常血腥和殘忍的畫面. 讓小朋友有心理準備. 每年都想去看看, 希望今年可以有這個機會. Side Note: School closure list climbs to 10 Low-paid illegal work force has little impact on prices Medical Side Note: Botox therapy ‘may be addictive’ Prenatal smoking is linked to ADHD