
不過情況比前幾天都好得太多了. 好可惜, 雪要開始融化了. :-( 太多學區關閉好幾天了, 小朋友們今年大概要上課到七月初了… :-p Side Note: Schwarzenegger Seeks Citrus Disaster Aid Freeze wipes out oranges, produce across California: 70% 的加州柑橘(約 15% 的全美冬季的柑橘產量), Avocado, 草莓, 檸檬等受到嚴重的寒害. 不過要注意的, 這個多少也影響到其他的冬季蔬果. 任何從加州來的蔬果將在兩三個星期內開始漲價. Men more likely to be killed on road than women North Dakota rethinks ban on cohabitation: 在這幾個州 Florida, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Virginia 和 West Virginia, 同居(一對男女沒有結婚而居住在一起), 是犯法的行為. 儘管法律沒有真的很認真的執行. 但是在任何時候都有可能有無法預測的不便. Medical Side Note: Women More Likely to Inherit Risk of Stroke “The new study found that women who had strokes were 40 percent more likely to have at least one close relative who suffered a stroke than were men with strokes. Having a mother who had a stroke was 80 percent more common in women stroke patients than in men.” “Age was also a factor. Women whose mothers had a stroke at an early age were more likely to suffer a stroke at about the same age.” State lowers cervical cancer rate Cancer deaths drop for 2nd straight year

[新聞] Travelers paying up as new passport rules kick in

Travelers paying up as new passport rules kick in

“Starting Jan. 23, all travelers — including U.S. citizens — who fly between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, South America and Bermuda will for the first time need to carry their passports to re-enter the country.”

“As early as 2008, the rules will get even tougher: People traveling between the U.S. and those countries by car or ship will have to show a passport or an alternative security identification card.”

Side Note:
A majority of U.S. women are living life spouse-less
Procrastination is one thing we're not putting off
Selling your home in winter takes extra effort
One-quarter of Americans dream of owning a business

Medical Side Note:
Study links gene, Alzheimer's risk
Growth hormones not worth risk, study finds


聽說慈濟明天(1/13/2007)的中文學校取消了??? 可以打電話確認 (425)822-7678. ========================= 昨天公司有近半的人沒有出現. 也好, 昨天下午兩點半就給走人了. 反正理由很光明正大, “我想要在太陽下山前, 平安的回到家.” 我並不擔心在雪上或冰上開車. 我覺得下雪是在讓我複習, 以前在中西部雪地駕車的技巧. 最擔心的反而是那些棄車逃跑的人. 因為他們把車子在路上一丟, 已經不大的道路就更寸步難行. 這些堵在路上的車, 就算知道如何在雪地駕車, 也是沒有用處. 今天早上遇到了第一次的公車拋錨. 公車是在下高速公路後才故障的. 那個奇怪的噪音, 是在下高速公路前幾分鐘突然開始出現. 聽起來像是物體相互撞擊的聲音. 聲音越來越大聲. 就在公車下高速公路的交流道時, 一個斷裂的聲音, 那個噪音就消失了. 公車在紅燈前停了下來. 綠燈後, 無論公車司機再如何的踏油板, 公車已經是不會動了. 就只聽到引擎的加速聲. transmission 壞了? 司機打開車門. 下車後, 立刻就看到一班公車. 沒有誤點. 運氣真的很好.